Prostatitis is an unpleasant urological disease, the probability of which in men increases in direct proportion to their age.
According to medical statistics, almost half of the male population after the age of 50 suffers from some form of prostatitis.
The sooner the correct treatment of prostatitis is diagnosed and prescribed, the more complete and faster the recovery will be.
Definition and causes of prostatitis
Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the male prostate, which is a very specific small glandular organ located near the urethra and bladder.The main functions of the prostate are to control a man's urination and to produce a secret that is part of the semen. The problems of prostatitis and treatment have been addressed in the past centuries.
Depending on the causes of the disease, acute prostatitis, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis and chronic infectious prostatitis are distinguished. According to the different forms of the disease, various methods of treatment will be prescribed for various types of prostatitis.
Acute prostatitis usually occurs in young men and is more often infectious. From the urethra, the infection enters a man's prostate gland through blood vessels or through the lymphatic system, where an acute inflammatory process develops. If at this time you do not consult a doctor and do not treat the disease, then in a short time it will already be chronic, in which there is a violation of the structure, functions of tissues and cells of the prostate, which can lead to irreversible consequences.
Inflammatory processes of the prostate can cause and maintain non-infectious factors for a long time. The main place among them is occupied by chronic spasm of the urethra, which leads to the involuntary reflux of urine into the prostate, causing inflammation of the latter.
There are many reasons for this disease, some should be mentioned:

- all types of infections transmitted through sexual intercourse: ureaplasma, herpes, E. coli, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, Trichomonas, etc. ;
- poor quality sex life: insufficient and artificial lengthening of sexual intercourse, etc. ;
- congestion in the pelvic organs and prostate of a man;
- overweight and inactive lifestyle;
- stressful situations, various overloads;
- failure of the immune system;
- general hypothermia of the body;
- hormonal imbalance;
- lack of essential trace elements and vitamins in the body of a man;
- drinking and smoking, etc.
Quick and effective treatment for prostatitis can only be provided by an experienced urologist. Strictly speaking, chronic and acute prostatitis can occur at any age. In older men, chronic inflammation of the prostate gland is more common.
Symptoms in the treatment of prostatitis in men, diagnostic methods
Symptoms of acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate gland in men manifest themselves slightly differently. The acute stage of the disease is characterized by local and general symptoms:

- General malaise.
- fatigue.
- High body temperature - up to 40 degrees.
- Chills, fever.
- Weakness.
- Headache.
- Frequent need to urinate, pain during the process itself.
- A weak stream of urine or its complete absence, tk. the prostate can compress the urethra.
- Sharp pain in the perineum of varying intensity, in the inguinal regions, in the lower abdomen - depending on the location of the focus of inflammation in the prostate relative to the rectum, bladder neck, urethra.
- The mechanism of erection is temporarily disturbed, the general decrease in potency.
- There is a complex mental state of a man.
Only after the symptoms of acute prostatitis have been precisely established, the urologist will be able to prescribe the correct course of treatment for prostatitis.
Chronic prostatitis is not as severe symptoms as its acute form. Most often, it is characterized by the absence of noticeable symptoms or has a mild course, mostly of a local nature. This can include:
- Drawing, slight pain in the perineum and adjacent areas.
- Pain can be aggravated by sexual intercourse, urination, and defecation.
- Frequent urge to go to the toilet, a constant feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
- Some discomfort during intercourse.
- Decreased sexual function and, consequently, impotence.

In case of adverse factors, an exacerbation of the disease can occur with all the ensuing consequences. With the spread of the inflammatory process in amplitude, other organs adjacent to the prostate are also involved: the epididymis, seminal vesicles, urethra, etc. , The clinical picture of the disease becomes different.
To choose the right course and method of treatment for prostatitis of various etiologies, it is necessary to conduct a detailed diagnosis of the disease and make a correct diagnosis. Currently, in the arsenal of doctors there are various methods of detecting this disease. These mainly include:
- digital examination of the prostate;
- analysis of prostatic secretion;
- bacteriological analysis of urine;
- general blood test;
- Ultrasound of the pelvic and prostate organs;
- magnetic nuclear tomography;
- urography;
- computed tomography, etc.
Modern diagnostics allows not only to determine the presence of a disease in the male body, but also to establish the cause of the event and its form.
General postulates of the treatment of prostatitis

Having established an accurate diagnosis, the urologist draws up an individual comprehensive program for the treatment of the disease for each patient, using modern methods of treating prostatitis. It should be noted that chronic chronic prostatitis cannot be completely cured, but every effort can be made to prolong the state of remission of the disease for many years. Treatment of prostatitis in acute form, if all the recommendations of the doctor are followed, leads to the complete recovery of the patient.
Comprehensive treatment for various types of prostatitis can include several combinations of the following methods:
- immunocorrective therapy;
- antibiotic therapy;
- hormone therapy;
- various physiotherapy;
- prostatic massage;
- lifestyle changes;
- surgery, etc.
Treatment for bacterial prostatitis will be different from non-bacterial prostatitis. In the first case, it is necessary to take a course on the use of antibiotics from the fluoroquinolone group, and in the second a course on anti-inflammatory drugs. Treatment of chronic prostatitis of a bacterial nature will consist in the use of antibiotic therapy in combination with beta-blockers. Along with the treatment of the underlying disease, the use of symptomatic drugs, for example, antipyretics and pain relievers, is often required. Severe forms of prostatitis are treated with the use of hormone therapy, but under the constant supervision of a doctor, being stationary.
Only an integrated approach to treatment can lead to a good permanent result. Now, each of these areas of prostatitis treatment should be discussed in more detail and specifically.
Antibacterial and hormonal therapy for prostatitis

As mentioned above, most often prostatitis has an infectious nature. In this regard, for each patient the passage of a course of antibiotic therapy in the treatment of prostatitis is indicated, with both acute and chronic course of the disease. Taking antibiotics can eliminate the root cause of the inflammation. The following groups of drugs have been shown to be effective in treatment:
- tetracyclines;
- macrolides;
- fluoroquinolones.
Alpha-blockers are actively used in the treatment of prostatitis, aimed at relieving spasms of the pelvic organs, as a result of which the swelling of the prostate is removed and the backflow of secretion in this organ stops. As a result, there is a decrease in inflammation in the organ itself. It is important to take medication for a long time, up to 8 months.
At the same time, to improve the patient's well-being, it is necessary to take antispasmodics and painkillers. It is shown as an aid in the treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies: various sedative herbal preparations, dill seeds, motherwort, valerian, etc. Microenemas from a decoction of lemon balm or chamomile are suitable for these purposes.
It is important to undergo antibiotic therapy under the guidance of a specialist, self-medication in this case is unacceptable. It can make the situation worse. Treatment of prostatitis with antibiotics requires the complete exclusion of alcohol.
It is known that the development and function of the prostate are directly dependent on hormones: estrogen and androgen. Therefore, the treatment of prostatitis can include the use of hormonal drugs, which will reduce the volume of the prostate gland and reduce the inflammatory process contained in it.
Phytotherapy and prostate massage
An important and integral part of the treatment of prostatitis is the use of direct prostate massage. The therapeutic effect of this massage is as follows:
- normalizes the muscle tone of the prostate;
- improves blood supply to the prostate gland;
- improves the action of antibiotics;
- restores the function of ducts, etc.

This procedure should only be trusted by a professional doctor in a specialized clinic.
The essence of the procedure in the treatment of prostatitis is as follows: the patient, legs shoulder-width apart, leans forward and tries to relax. The specialist, spreading the patient's buttocks with one hand, gently inserts the index finger of the other hand into the rectum and massages the prostate gland for a minute, performing pressure and stroking. An effective massage should consist in the discharge of a few drops of secretion into the ducts. The prostate massage procedure is painful, but for the treatment of prostatitis it is simply irreplaceable. However, prostate massage has some contraindications:
- prostate cancer;
- cyst;
- prostate stones and some others.
Phytotherapy in the treatment of prostatitis in men is an auxiliary method that has a beneficial effect on the final result. The essence of herbal medicine in the treatment of prostatitis is the external and internal use of infusions, juices, decoctions of medicinal plants, for example: calamus, St. John's wort, burdock, etc. This method has no negative side effects and negative effects on other organs.
Immunocorrection, physiotherapy and other treatment methods for prostatitis
Restorative therapy and immunocorrection are aimed at restoring the body as a whole, strengthening the immune system and preventing the manifestation of prostatitis in the future. The doctor prescribes the intake of the necessary multivitamins, minerals and other substances that increase immunity, especially in chronic diseases.
Physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of prostatitis should include actions aimed at activating blood circulation in the pelvic organs to enhance the effect of antibiotic therapy. These include:
- magnetophoresis;
- electrophoresis;
- laser therapy;
- impulse currents, etc.
At home, you can replace physiotherapy with warm microenemas from decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Currently, many alternative methods are used for prostatitis and treatment, which greatly expand the possibilities of modern medicine and reduce recovery time. For example, hirudotherapy eliminates blood stasis in the pelvic organs, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition. A course of neuromodulatory therapy will effectively stop the patient's pain syndrome.
In the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to take a course on a healthy lifestyle without fail. In order for the disease not to return after the treatment of the acute form of prostatitis or the stage of remission does not end with chronic prostatitis, it is necessary to make significant changes in your life, to remove all the factors that provoke this unpleasant disease. Due attention should be paid to regular walks, good sleep, lack of stressful situations, proper nutrition, exclusion of smoking and alcohol, etc.
One of the methods of treatment is surgery, which includes:
- radical prostatectomy;
- on the seminal vesicles;
- circumcision;
- urethral stricture;
- on the neck of the bladder, etc.
It should be noted right away that this radical method is used very rarely and is not effective. Surgery is prescribed when prostatitis is treated in an old form, with developed complications. Such treatment for prostatitis is used in the event that conservative therapy has not led to significant results.
After treatment for prostatitis, the doctor must prescribe control tests, on the basis of which appropriate conclusions can be drawn.
Treatment with folk methods and prevention of prostatitis
If the symptoms of this disease appear, you should consult a doctor and follow all his recommendations. Treatment for various types of prostatitis by folk methods can only serve as an excellent addition to basic medical measures. For many years, enough experience has been accumulated to get rid of this disease, everyone can always choose an option that is acceptable for themselves. The main conditions for effective treatment of the disease, especially its chronic form, is the regular use of high-quality ingredients according to the specified recipe.
You can consider several effective recipes designed to combat prostatitis:
- Propolis (200 g of any sunflower oil and 30 g of propolis are heated in a water bath, then the perineum is lubricated with it for 2 weeks).
- Honey (as part of the juice of various medicinal plants, it is taken orally 2 times a day, 2 tablespoons).
- Pumpkin seeds (pumpkin seed powder is taken 2 tablespoons before meals 2 times a day).
Prevention after complex treatment for prostatitis can be considered not only proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, but also regular protected sex.
Therefore, the treatment for prostatitis of various forms is always a whole complex of sequential measures. Only with a clear implementation of all the instructions of a specialist, you can achieve the desired result and get rid of this unpleasant disease.