How to treat chronic prostatitis?

man with chronic prostatitis how to treat

Men often face a disease such as chronic prostatitis. The disease affects both young and old.

The prostate gland is a vulnerable organ that suffers from various urological diseases. Treatment of chronic prostatitis requires the patient to comply with medical recommendations.

Therapeutic methods at home

Despite the fact that chronic prostatitis is a common pathology, it is quite difficult to treat it. First, you need to comply with bed rest for several days. Second, avoid physical activity.

Thirdly, completely abandon bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol. After the period of exacerbation has elapsed, the patient must consider the mode of work and rest.

Simple rules will help prevent the occurrence of repeated complications in the future:

  1. Do not catch cold. It is impossible to sit on cold ground or concrete structures even if it is summer outside. Wear light and comfortable clothing, loose fitting and suitable for the season. To get rid of the pathology, it is necessary to harden the body with water in a water bath. Walk for 1-2 hours every day.
  2. You can't stand it if you really want to go to the bathroom. It is recommended that you empty your bladder periodically, every 3 to 4 hours. Overfilling or long-term retention adversely affects the condition of the prostate gland.
  3. When performing sedentary work, a man should take a break: every 1 - 2 hours for 3 - 5 minutes - walk, warm up. If it is not possible to do this, you should learn how to stretch the anus, 40 times in one approach is enough. Such exercises should be performed up to 6 times a day.
  4. Engage in physical activity in moderation. This is the main factor that helps prevent the development of pathology. To get rid of congestion in the prostate and pelvic organs, it is enough to do gymnastics every morning, walk moderately. You can go to the dacha every week, for example, pick berries, mushrooms, go for walks on weekends for 3 hours. Also, go to the pool or exercise at home on a treadmill, as well as use other similar simulators.
  5. It is necessary to exclude all factors that can cause injury to the perineum. Give up equestrian sports, cycling, motocross.
  6. Having a regular sex life. The most important factor that helps to avoid congestion in the prostate gland. It is important to remember that it is impossible to interrupt or delay sexual intercourse. Better to have a steady partner.
  7. Fight constipation.
  8. Alcoholic beverages should stop drinking in chronic prostatitis in the stage of exacerbation. Also, during the period of remission of the disease, a man is recommended to reduce alcohol consumption as much as possible. Above all, he completely refuses cheap beer and wines.
  9. It is necessary to avoid stressful situations, nervous tension, privilege meditation or self-training.
  10. Periodically visit a urologist, undergo a preventive examination, carry out the appropriate examinations.

These simple precautions will help prevent the development of the chronic form of the disease and its exacerbation, as well as strengthen the body and increase its defenses.

Medical therapy

Most often, inflammation of the prostate gland occurs against the background of various infections and viruses that are sexually transmitted. Treatment of chronic prostatitis is carried out in several stages.

Despite modern diagnostic methods that help to determine the disease in a timely manner, 30% of men cannot completely get rid of the pathology. The effectiveness of treatment depends on a well-coordinated relationship between the patient and the doctor.

Main therapeutic phases:

  1. Anesthesia. The patient must take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for chronic prostatitis.
  2. Reduce anxiety. Man is prescribed antidepressants.
  3. Recovery of the urinary process.
  4. Applying a topical treatment, such as douches.
  5. Participation in physiotherapy sessions.
  6. Treatment with targeted antibiotics.
  7. Surgery in case of narrowing of the urethra or abscesses of the prostate.

To date, the treatment of chronic prostatitis with antibiotics is fully justified. But the patient should complete the full course, which on average is 2 weeks. In most cases, after treatment, the doctor examines the patient, gives his opinion, as a rule there is a positive trend.

Antibiotics for chronic prostatitis are used because the disease occurs against the background of an infection caused by pathogenic bacteria. Only a qualified doctor can choose an effective drug, taking into account the patient's characteristics.

Important! During the treatment of chronic prostatitis, it is necessary to follow a strict regimen and dosage of drugs.

In medicine, there is no absolute drug that will completely alleviate the pathology. It is necessary to adhere to complex therapy and certain rules. Due to the fact that the disease is specific and severe, self-medication can be fatal.

To get rid of inflammation of the prostate gland of a chronic form, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis, then effective treatment, following all the rules and recommendations of the attending physician.

Other treatments

Therapy of chronic prostatitis is successfully carried out with conservative means, but it must be comprehensive. Also, a man needs to reconsider his lifestyle.

The development of the disease is affected by an unbalanced diet, sitting position and promiscuous sexual activity. Many of these factors need to be adjusted. But there are other methods of treatment that comprehensively help fight chronic inflammation of the prostate gland.


It is necessary to change the diet as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. The first thing to do is to give up alcohol, as alcohol improves the inflammatory process and pain, irritating the ducts of the gland.

Fatty meats, which can cause cholesterol plaques, should be excluded from the menu. It leads to circulatory disorders. You cannot eat mushrooms, legumes, offal, as well as spicy dishes, tea, coffee, soft drinks and sweets.

Dietary nutrition should be constantly observed, as the use of harmful foods can cause a relapse of the disease.

prostatic massage

The procedure is done by hand through the anus. This is not the most pleasant remedy used to treat chronic prostatitis, but the massage is very effective.


Thermal procedures improve microcirculation and absorption of drugs into the tissue. Treatment of prostatitis involves the use of ultrasonic heating, irrigation with antibacterial agents through an enema.


Mineral waters are good for treating chronic prostatitis. In seaside resorts, patients are prescribed low-mineral water that can be taken orally or in the form of baths.


Chronic prostatitis therapy is rare, but it still involves surgery. There is a risk of complications, and this method may be ineffective.

In addition, the patient will have a long rehabilitation period. Therefore, the transaction is appointed as a last resort.

Surgery is indicated if traditional treatment has not yielded positive results. In addition, surgery is required to eliminate serious complications. This can be an abscess or purulent inflammation of nearby tissues, the presence of stones in the kidneys or bladder.


Treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland can last for many months. Moreover, not even effective therapy helps to completely and permanently get rid of the disease.

If a man has been diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, he must think about the fact that life will change. Otherwise, the treatment will not bring positive results.

To prevent the development of pathology, it is enough to remember the useful recommendations, since it is easier to adhere to prevention than to cure prostatitis. You need to protect yourself, move more, eat a balanced diet and avoid hypothermia.